Consultation For Your Reputation

Month: April 2019

Attorney Paul Sternberg of Houston Explains Unexpected Case Outcomes and the Streisand Effect

The goal of a defamation case is to remove defamatory comments online or suppress the information to avoid other online visitors seeing it. Removing these comments will help clear someone’s name and prevent any further losses in reputation. Some victims of defamation attacks choose to sue for lost revenue or damages to their reputation through monetary compensation. Whatever the intention,…

Paul Sternberg of Houston Clarifies Online Defamation and Violations of Free Speech

Online Defamation vs. Freedom of Speech | Paul Sternberg Paul Sternberg of Houston is here to teach you about how the internet works. Defamation is the act of damaging the positive reputation of an individual or organization (such as a business or charity) with false statements. It’s also known commonly as slander or libel and is a regular concern for…